What the heck is artsy? and what does it even mean?
What does artsy even mean? and why should it matter to you? The word artsy is defined as making a strong affected or pretentious display of being artistic or interested in the arts. Which is another way for saying, you are someone who has a deep respect and passion for artistic expression. Now I know not everyone is a future Rembrandt in the making, and there are some who struggle to even draw a stick figure. Yet to me any attempt at art is to be admired because it is a form of expression that reflects the soul of its creator. Though it might sound pretentious at first glance, I really believe that if we all possess imagination then we are compelled instinctively to find some way to express it. whether its drawing, writing, painting, or even being active like playing a sport or dancing, they are all forms of art. In my opinion the imagination fuels our passion and our drive to do and create. Artsy is the term for that power which gives us machinations to shape our imagination into a form of expression. So, if I ask you what's your artsy? I am not just talking about artistic talent. I want to know what drives you? What shape does your imagination take when it is expressed?
My artsy is helping people discover and express their imagination. I am also in love with all thing's art, and I have a gift that allows me to see artistic value in virtually anything or anyone. Artsy is a presence, a power about yourself you might not even know you possess, but if you have ever dreamed and attempted to express it, then it is there. I want my business to be more than a place you come just to solely purchase apparel and crafts. I want what we create here to resonate with your very soul and to know you had a hand in it. That whatever we make this was an expression of your imagination and that your more artistic than you realize. I have even created my own formula to solve for this solution: Imagination + Expression = Artsy. I apply this equation to solve for all my customers especially those who doubt their own imagination and artistic potential. I can honestly say “The Artsy Formula,” has never failed me.
Let's recap, artsy is the expression of imagination. It is the power that gives an idea or dream its shape. I hope you now have a better understanding of what I believe it means to be artsy. This belief is the driving force behind my company. Our main goal is increasing artistic awareness within others so they can truly and freely express themselves in a tangible form. I would love to hear some feedback, so let me know your thoughts on the subject in the comment section below. One last thing before I go because I am so determined to coin this phrase and make it trend. Now that you are more familiar with the meaning behind the question. I have to ask again. What’s your artsy?